The Pierson Bruins dominated the South West Hockey League during the Fifties. Built around a strong core of local talent, the Lee family (Alan, Ken, Bert, Bill), Barry Edgar, Scotty McCrae and goalie Glen Murray, the club was built on well organized offensive and defensive systems.
Import players were allowed and Jim Mann and Howie Gibb from Brandon complemented the team's talent.
In the 1952/53 season, the Bruins won the MAHA "C" title.
In the 1953/54 season, the Bruins won the MAHA "B" title.
In 1955/56, the Bruins took the SWHL title and defeated Stonewall to win the MAHA "B" championship, losing the "AA" title to Dauphin Kings.
During the years 1957/58 to 1960/61 the Bruins won four straight SWHL titles.
In 1960 the Bruins won the MAHA "B" title, challenged and defeated the MAHA "A" winners from Russell and lost to Dauphin in the "AA" challenge series in three games.