The 2021 Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame Hockey Heritage Community Award recipient has been announced, and it's the St. Adolphe Community Club.
Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame President Don Kuryk drove out to St. Adolphe on the morning of Saturday, March 19 to present a cheque for $10,000 to the rink's staff.
"We were surprised to say the least when we heard that we were selected for the Heritage/Community Award this past fall," says Darcy Mauthe, President of the St. Adolphe Community Club. "The Hall of Fame looks for communities that need the support for hockey in their community. They thought of us when we were in the spotlight for Kraft Hockeyville last year."
The prize amount is offered annually by the Hall of Fame to Manitoba hockey communities in partnership with Sigfusson Northern Ltd.
In St. Adolphe, the funding will go towards restoring the boards and safety glass of the rink.
The Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame Community Award is open to all Manitoba communities looking for funding that will support the game of hockey. Funding can be used for rink repairs, registration, equipment, or anything that makes the game better and more accessible for youth.