President: Jordy Douglas
Vice President: Murray Allan
Past-President: Don Kuryk
Secretary: Ron Ottawa
Directors: Rick Brownlee, Neil Fuhro, Garth Goodbrandson, Garry Hammerback, Rob Haithwaite, John Jameson, Mark Jones, Kerry Lines, Greg Mackling, Jill Mathez, Morris Mott, Nik Nucci, Lisa Ostermann, Ron Ottawa
Active Past Directors: Gary Cribbs, Walter Mueller, G.R. (Jeep) Woolley, Al Dyker
Mailing address;
Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame
1079 Wellington Avenue - Unit H
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 3E8
Phone: (204) 771 7094
Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame Patrons
Membership is open to all who are interested in promoting the goals and objectives of the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame. Any person can become a patron of the hall with a donation of $100. We encourage you to support the rich heritage of hockey in Manitoba!